Nov 15 . We're currently migrating content to our new website, project case studies and service details coming soon...

Our work

Here you'll find a selection of some of our past projects. We're working to expand this section with more projects and case studies soon - so stay tuned!

Māngere West Cycling Improvements

Leading the early engagement, co-design and consultation stages of a key cycling upgrade.

Tactical Urbanism Handbook

Guidance used by teams in 32 cities to deliver 89km of street change projects.

Local Activation Plans

Three local activation plans created alongside local people with the goal of encouraging more people to take more trips by bike.

Rostrevor Street

Trial to 'stitch' together two adjacent green spaces by transforming a street to open public space.

Ward Street

Tactical Urbanism trial including cycleway and improved pedestrian safety in a complex town centre environment.

Power Up

Pilot programme engaging 80 young kids in friendly competition to log over 2,000km in walking and cycling trips to school.

Can't see what you're looking for?

For more information on the work we do or our past projects please get in touch.